How to make the round eyes wider. How to make the eyes more with the help of makeup.

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Standing in front of the mirror, many women thought at least once that it would not hurt to change some facial features, correct, smooth, enlarge, etc. Especially it concerns the eyes - the most expressive part of the face. Sometimes it is very annoying to get up early in order to make the look attractive and look more confident with the help of decorative cosmetics. However, there are several ways how to make the eyes more without make-up, they will be discussed.

Perhaps the greatest effect in natural eye enlargement is rest. Regular lack of sleep, lack of vitamins, long work at the computer, excessive water consumption before going to bed cause such things as bags and dark circles under the eyes, swelling of the face, redness on the eyeball. All this gives an unattractive appearance and reduces the eyes. To this list, you can add more smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol, which spoil the skin and adversely affect the color of the eye protein.

A very important point is also the rejection of decorative means. Do not immediately be frightened and deny the opportunity to go out without make-up. You can get used to the natural state of the face gradually, reducing the amount and brightness of mascara, lipstick, shadows, etc. After a couple of weeks without cosmetics, the skin will become cleaner, the eyes brighter, and a glow will appear on the cheeks.

The area around the eyes is very delicate and sensitive, so it requires special care. It is important how to moisten it with special creams, make baths and apply compresses. At the beginning of the day it would be good to wipe the eyelids with an ice cube. You can use decoctions of medicinal herbs, frozen in the evening in molds or sachets.

Favorable action is massage on the contour of the eyes. To make it as useful as possible, it's better to watch training videos.

It is necessary to include in your daily routine gymnastics for the eyes, which will not only help them relax, but also prevent the appearance of wrinkles ahead of time. For example, two such exercises.

Pointing fingers should be placed on the outer corners of the eyes, and the middle fingers should be placed on the bridge of the nose, so that an extra fold does not form on it. Keeping fingers of the edge of the eyelids, you have to squint the lower eyelid for a few seconds and relax. So repeat at least 10 times.

Using the same initial position of the fingers, you need to close your eyes tightly for about 20 seconds, sharply relax and squeeze again.

The main thing is to perform high-quality exercises every day, then your eyes will open wide, and the number of wrinkles will decrease without surgery and expensive cosmetics.

The next thing you need to pay attention to is eyelashes. If they are naturally bright and almost invisible, then you can use a special paint, the effect of which lasts 2-3 weeks. In addition, everyday care is also important: it is desirable to lubricate the cilia before bedtime burdock oil, which strengthens them and promotes growth. Do not neglect twisting eyelashes forceps, because it instantly makes the look open.

Extensive popularity now has eyelash extensions. If the length and density is chosen perfectly, then this way of visual eye enlargement is not forbidden at all. It is important to approach this issue delicately and carry out the procedure with a certified specialist.

A beautiful eyebrow line is also capable of making the eyes bigger. You can shape the eyebrows and dye them at home, buying all the devices (tweezers, paint, scissors, etc.). In the case of coloring, it is very important to choose the right color so that the eyebrows look natural and harmoniously complement the image. It is better not to experiment and trust the masters in the design of eyebrows, then expressive look  you are assured.

Surprisingly, a good styling also contributes to eye enlargement, albeit a visual one. Also suitable form  hairstyles will distract attention from the face and will serve as an excellent addition to the image.

For those who are constantly screwed up due to poor vision, you can advise making the eyes more with the help of contact lenses. Constant narrowing of the eyes not only makes the eyes less visually, but also contributes to the appearance of wrinkles.

There is another way to increase the eyes without decorative cosmetics, which can be called exotic. It was invented, first of all, for people with an Asian eye incision, with an overhanging upper eyelid. The bottom line is this.

A special glue is applied to the eyelids, which is safe for the eyes and easily removed from the skin. Then a stick in the form of a slingshot (comes in the kit), an additional fold is created that makes the look wider. There are several different schemes of applying glue, as a result of which it is possible to get a different shape of the eyes. Photos of such schemes can be found on the Internet.

Similarly, ready-made adhesive strips for the eyelids, which are attached much faster than the glue. In addition, they have flesh color. These eye-enlargement methods are an excellent alternative to surgical intervention.

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Not for nothing they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, because they can be regarded as the most expressive part of the face. According to the classical standards of beauty, the distance between the eyes should be equal to one eye.

There are various tricks in makeup in order to make your eyes visually bigger or smaller, closer to each other or vice versa, on ... In this article we'll talk about the different ways that will help make your eyes visually larger.

1) The easiest way to instantly make your eyes visually bigger is to curl your eyelashes

To do this, start painting them from the roots, and then gradually move up the length of the entire length of the eyelashes and repeat this movement several times, as if twisting them, so you will achieve naturalness.

2) Apply two layers of mascara on the upper lashes

This will make them look thicker and create a lifting effect for your eyes, opening them slightly. Catch each eyelash with the help of carcass, grabbing them from the roots in zigzag motions.

3) Play with the shadows

Do not hesitate to use white flickering eye shadow or a pencil on the inside corners of the eyes, as well as under the eyebrows. Light reflecting particles will lighten the look and slightly open the eyes.

4) Use dark shadows on the outer corners of the eyes

Colors are brown, gray or black. The contrast between light and dark tones will help to highlight your eyes and make them visually greater.

5) Play with eyeliner

Padding can make your eyes large, but can also create the effect of more squinted and cunning eyes, depending on the technique that you apply. For example, if you have very small eyes, avoid applying eyeliner around the entire eye completely.

Instead, draw a line only on the contour of the upper lashes, without going beyond their border and make the line thicker in the middle of the eye to visually open it.

6) Create the perfect shape for your eyebrows

Their shape can affect very much your appearance and are even able to make your eyes visually bigger or smaller. If you have the opportunity, in this case I would recommend contacting a professional so that he could help you create perfect shape  eyebrows that are right for your face, and after that you can just keep this shape at home on your own.

Remember that your eyebrows should look like sisters, not necessarily as twins, because you can not achieve absolute symmetry in such a complex work as a person.

And it's okay if they have a slightly different shape and slightly differ from each other. Complete symmetry can be achieved only with the help of tattoo, which is not always right, because the eyes too are a little different, and with the help you can easily compensate for this nuance.

7) Eyelash extension or false eyelashes

Many girls wear a push-up bra or 'MaxiMiser' and there is nothing shameful about this.
  So in make-up, there is a way to make your eyelashes incredibly beautiful and long - this is an eyelash extension.
  The specialist can easily find the shape and choose the thickness of the eyelashes, which will look very natural and suitable for your eyes.

Eyelashes become larger, an additional volume appears and you do not even have to use mascara.
  If you do not like the idea of ​​eyelash extension (due to constant subsequent corrections, for example), that is a simple alternative - false eyelashes or staining and perm. Both of these ways will help you achieve the effect of eye enlargement.

8) Find your line

Experiment with colors.
  If you use a white pencil, it will help open your eyes and make them bigger.
  If you apply a pencil for the eyes of the color of champagne, you will get a more complex and mysterious look. Applying the blue shades of the eyeliner you will achieve one more interesting effect - the proteins of your eyes will look brighter.

9) Stress the shape of the eyes

When applying eye shadow, concentrate the most juicy color on the highest and lowest point of your eyelashes to emphasize the widest part of your eye shape. This will make your eyes even more expressive.

10) Ombre

Here is another simple way to open your eyes - try the ombre effect. For this you can use any colors, not necessarily just black or brown. A simple rule is to use a light-colored eye shadow over the main part of the eye, and a darker tone only in the fold of the eyelid.

It looks also delicious and unusual, like make-up.

11) Shadows with bronzer

Try shadows for the natural outline of your eyes with a bronzer or powder, which is two to three shades darker than your natural skin tone. This will highlight your eyes even more.

12) Fill the space between the eyelashes

If you do not like eyeliner, then try to put several points in the liner between the eyelashes, it will fill the space between them and make the look expressive.

13) Try to use a neutral, not bright lipstick

This trick will also focus on your eyes. Just make sure that you have leveled the skin tone and compensated for the shortcomings around the eye area. Thus, your eyes will stand out and you will look fresh, light and young.

14) Do not try to make your eyes too active

If you want to draw attention to your beautiful eyes, and not to excessive bright make-up  and all the tricks that were applied, then use all these tips in moderation. Remember, moderation is the key to beauty!

Big eyes, of course, look amazing, but the most beautiful and special is happiness in your eyes. So be first and foremost happy, and beauty will appear in your eyes!

Video on how to make the eyes more expressive with makeup

How to make the eyes more with makeup? Start with a simple trick. Puffiness always makes the eyes less, so before applying make-up, perform a simple procedure: place the ice wrapped in cloth, on the eyelids and hold for 15-20 minutes. The cold shortens the blood vessels and quickly relieves swelling.

2. Apply concealer.

Before you decorate your eyes, you need to hide all the shortcomings. Use concealer for one shade lighter than your skin and by all means - with a warm pink podton. It is this nuance that will help to hide the blue shadows and dark circles under the eyes, highlight the look and help makeup make the eyes bigger. Expose a drop of concealer and on the upper eyelids to even out the skin tone and make the look more open.

3. Do not paint the water line.

Do not use a dark liner on the mucosa of the lower eyelid - a clear contour visually reduces the eyes. Instead, take a white or beige pencil to highlight the water line and hide the redness of the eyes.

4. Try smoky eyeliner.

If clear lines reduce eyes, then smoky feathering always helps to increase them. After you have brought a pencil or liner to the upper eyelid, take shadows more light shade  and use the brush to smooth out the contour line. This technique not only increases the eyes, but adds depth and languor to the look. How to make the look expressive.

5. Add the eyelashes.

Never miss the stage of curling eyelashes in the make-up - this simple step creates the effect of open eyes. Carefully stain eyelashes with ink, especially in the outer corners of the eyes. For greater expressiveness, you can add a couple of bundles of false eyelashes on the outside to create the illusion of large eyes.

6. Do not forget about the backlight.

A highlight helps to open the eyes: apply a highlight under the bend line of the eyebrows and in the inner corners of the eyes.

7. Draw the right arrows.

Arrows in the style of "cat's look" increase the size of the eyes, if you draw them correctly. First, the line of the pipeline should start from the outer corner and take no more than 1/4 century, smoothly coming to naught. Do not draw a line to the inner corner, otherwise the desired effect will be lost.

Secondly, a small tail of the arrow should not bulge up, but go along the line of the lower eyelid, giving the cat its eyes.

Finally, use the shadows to bring the lower eyelid, connecting the line with the tail of the arrow. Makeup artists say that such arrows visually increase eyes by about 25 percent, and combining them with other tricks, you just do not recognize yourself in the mirror. Now you know how to visually make the eyes more make-up.

How to make your eyes bigger

The appearance of each person is individual. Any of us is beautiful in its own way: some expressive eyes, others have a beautiful shape of the eyebrows or a perfectly even nose. With the help of make-up, we can visually change the proportions of the face, make them more harmonious.

One of the common reasons for dissatisfaction with their appearance are small eyes. In most cases, Asian women are dissatisfied with this, but there are also European-type girls with small eyes. This problem can easily be solved with the help of cosmetics. Makeup to increase the eyes begin with the correct eyebrows. To make the eyes appear more visually, choose the appropriate eyebrow shape  and decorate them, removing excess hairs. We already wrote about this in one of our articles: " Eyebrow correction at home ".
Correctly pull out the hairs under the growth line of the eyebrows: this will not disrupt their shape and make the look more visually wider.

Basic mistakes with eye makeup with makeup

1. The visible part of the lower eyelid mucosa is not recommended to be painted with a brown or black pencil - so the eyes will seem even smaller.

2. Choosing light shades of shadows, which really increase the visual eye, apply the shade with mother-of-pearl as carefully as possible. Glitter is permissible only in the center of the century, in its inner corner or under the eyebrow. When make-up with the impending age  Also there is an increase in the eyes due to the lightening under the eyebrow space.

3. Avoid too long and fluffy false eyelashes that impart a puppet effect to the eyes.

4. With mascara for eyelashes should also be careful - the extra layers of makeup make makeup too provocative and vulgar.

Consider step by step technique  applying shadows, which will make the eyes visually larger.

Step 1. Apply the entire surface around the eyes concealer  to hide bruises or redness. In the upper eyelids we apply beige or peach shades.

Step 2. Apply a shade of light brown to the area above the fold of the upper eyelid.

Step 3. We collect graphite or dark brown shadows with a thin brush and draw a neat arrow along the line of eyelash growth of the upper eyelid.

Step 4. Use the soft brush to grow the arrow.

Step 5. Draw a white pencil visible part of the mucosa of the lower eyelid.

Step 6. We put mascara on the upper lashes in several layers, each time as if pulling them up and pressing. On the lower eyelashes, put the mascara in one layer.

This is an example day makeup  , which visually increases the eyes and is suitable for every day.

Girls with small eyes should not give up make-up "smokey-ice"  , only use not black shadows, but quieter shades.

Step 1. Put the concealer on the area around the eyes. As a base we use peach shadows. On the area above the fold, we apply shades of a light brown hue.

Step 2. Visible part of the mucosa of the lower eyelid is drawn in white pencil.

Step 3. Lower eyelid with a pencil, as shown in the photo.

Step 4. Draw the arrow along the line of growth of eyelashes of the upper eyelid, slightly beyond the natural cut. We apply mascara for eyelashes.

Using the right techniques will open your eyes, make your eyes more visually.

Step 1. On the eye area, apply the concealer and gently drive it with the pads of your fingers. As a base, let's choose a caramel shade.

Step 2. By drawing, draw the arrow along the line of eyelash growth on the upper eyelid and raise it towards the eyebrow. The outer part of the lower eyelid is carefully penciled.

Step 3. Draw a white pencil visible part of the mucosa of the lower eyelid - this is one of the main secrets of eye enlargement, which should not be neglected.

Step 4. We apply mascara, twisting and pulling the upper eyelashes to the eyebrows. Carefully apply mascara to the lower eyelashes.

Japanese makeup  also make the eyes visually large, with it you can read on our website.

How to make your eyes bigger: photo

How to make your eyes bigger: video

How to visually enlarge the eyes with a pencil

How to visually enlarge the eyes with eyeliner

How to apply shadows to enlarge the eyes

How to make your eyes bigger


Makeup for blue eyes
   Girls who have blue color  eye, stylists advise to create their appearance with the help of light and light shades. Beautiful make-up  for blue eyes  to do very easily. First of all, to create light make-up, blue-eyed girls need to be considered important rule: after applying the foundation for make-up, the eyelid should be shaded with a lighter shade, and then dark. And if you apply dark shadows closer to outer corner, then the darker shades will look much more impressive. Makeup for wide-set eyes
   They say that the character of a person is easy to determine by the shape of the eyes. If this is so, then the owners of widely placed eyes are classified as individuals who love risk and adventure. They do not care about trifles, but only the final result is of interest. However, the correct make-up for the widely planted eyes will allow to leave in secret some of the character traits and preserve the mysteriousness that so seek to evoke the representatives of the fair sex. Makeup for round eyes
   It is difficult to find a woman who would be 100% satisfied with her appearance. Owners of small eyes certainly want to increase them, girls with light-colored hair, by all means, want to become burning brunettes. Constantly I want some changes. It would seem, well, what else do you want girls with big expressive eyes, because nature has so generously endowed them. But no, I want to make the incision oblong, elongated and almond-shaped. How to achieve this? Consider the examples.

Who said that big expressive eyes are only a gift of nature? And it's not necessary to run to a plastic surgeon, so that he makes a pair of successful strokes with a scalpel and makes his eyes half a face. It is enough to learn a few secrets correct make-up, a little practice in the arrangement of accents and, voila, you are the lucky owner of huge, tremulous, fascinating eyes.

Correctly arrange accents, boldly experiment with colors. Blue-eyed blondes should pay attention to the color of fuchsia.

Secrets of proper make-up

Eye color

The color and shape of your eyes will prompt makeup will do  the best thing.

We hope that the above methods have given an exhaustive answer to the question of how to make the eyes bigger.

Add a few more words about the selection of the color of the shadows:

  1. For green eyes pearlescent shades of brown (especially chocolate) tones are suitable. Gently orange, pink, olive - for you too.
  2. Lightly shades the color of moss and olives.
  3. Blue eyes will highlight a shade of fuchsia and a blue gamma.

Do not forget about the tone of the skin. Dark-haired women are warm colors, beauties with porcelain skin - a cold scale.

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